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more to come        for 2024!

Christmas by the River:  2nd Thursday in December

Lyons-Muir Island Fest:  1st Thursday in August​

Lyons-Muir Events

    Lyons Event Committee is comprised of volunteers who wish to make a difference in their community.  Lyons-Muir Island Fest, and Christmas by the River are the two main events planned and presented by this committee through working with many businesses, individuals and organizations.

            It is governed for accountability and responsibility by the Village of Lyons.  There are no tax dollars spent directly on events, however, the committee receives minor administrative services through the village’s clerk and treasurer, as all event cash donations and expenditures are properly recorded and audited like any other municipal funds.  The committee also utilizes services and equipment through the village’s Department of Public Works in its efforts to provide these venues.  Committee funds not spent in the village’s fiscal year - March 1st to February 28th - are carried over to the following year and remain available to the committee.  Services, equipment, supplies and other items necessary to provide event venues are funded by these monies. The committee pays no wages, stipends or mileage.  Some actions taken by the Committee, such as street closings and single expenditures over $500, require formal Council approval.  Special fundraisers for park and similar improvements held by the committee are tracked separately.

            Lyons Village Council has appointed Sherrie Mason as Chair for the 2024 season.

Formal bylaws regarding responsibilities, elections, conduct, etc.  have been drafted by volunteers and enacted by Lyons Village Council

            Sponsors and Partners of the Committee are an essential part of what we do.  We consider our sponsors and partners to be very important and we are committed to ensure that they are pleased with the working relationships we have established, respecting anonymity when requested, assisting in their promotions and giving return business whenever possible.  Sponsorship does not always refer to cash donations.  Donated services, product and labor are also vital to the Committee in accomplishing its goals.  Because of the investment our sponsors make in the community, we encourage our guests and local residents to thank Committee Sponsors and Partners by doing business with them.  A face-to-face “Thank You” is always greatly appreciated, as well.

            Lyons Event Committee has the majority of its meetings at the Lyons village office at 212 Water St, Lyons or the pavilions in Hazel Devore Park, behind the office. The Committee benefits from the skills, talent and determination of its volunteers and is always ready to welcome anybody to the team that wants to see positive things happen in their community.  There is work, but there is also fun and great satisfaction in knowing that we make a difference.  We invite everyone to come and see the progress we are making as we continue to work together building Lyons Event Committee into a very successful program.

 - Lyons Event Committee thanks the community for its support!